$50K in 120H

Double Your Impact


Levin Shea Pfeffer & Goldman Attorneys at Law


Ever Roofing


Friends of Chabad


As a community, we have experienced remarkable growth and unity. 

Your unwavering help, support, involvement, and encouragement have been the driving force behind our community's shining expression of Ahavat Yisrael (love of fellow Jews). 

Together, we have nurtured a vibrant and caring environment where everyone feels welcome, valued and cherished. Thank you for being an essential part of this incredible journey, and we look forward to even brighter horizons ahead.

And let's be honest; we need your support to keep going and keep growing. 

Your generous donation of $180, $100, or even $54 will play a pivotal role.

Imagine experiencing a Shabbat community dinner—a spiritual oasis amidst the humdrum of daily life. Help us make this a reality with a $360 donation, bringing the holiness of Shabbat to the entire community.

Our programming is thoughtfully designed to accommodate our friends who wish to learn, no matter what their background. Consider sponsoring a class with a contribution of $250, and you can even name a lecture in honor or memory of a loved one.

Today, you can Double your Impact because every donation is doubled by our generous matchers.

Your generosity and involvement will contribute to making this year extraordinary, filled with meaning, goodness, health, happiness, and success.

Thank you!


david Stern


Meyrav Dror

The donation is in loving memory and honor of:
Yehosua and Tzipora Sender
Iris Sender
Stuart and Iris Levy
Arthur and Estelle Levy
Bernard Swartz
Rina Dror

Yosef Segal
Philip & Shira Krispin
Boruch Okowita
Grossman Family
Yiddy rosenberg
Sarah Mizrahi
boruch & Tova chazanow

Hatzlacha Rabbah

Teena Weinstein

My pleasure to donate in Honor of Musi & Rabbi Shmuel Naparstek.

Gary and Evi Scholder
Avi and Nechama Norman
Blumer Family

For all the amazing work and help you do throughout the community and for ALWAYS being there for US!!!

Edi and Sarah Einhorn
Emanuel Mashinsky "The Jackson Real Estate Expert"

In honor of Rabbi & Mrs. Naparstek Shlit"a for your true dedication to Hashem's precious children! Chazak Chazak V'nischazeik!!

Hershel Lustig
Menachem Schwei
Moe Heinemann
The Brown Law Firm

In honor of the Rabbi and his family for all of your hard work.

Levi and Chaya Naparstek
Matt Lukoff

Refuah Shlema Reuven Baruch Ben Tzipporah

Mendy Leiner

Reb Shmuel keep up the great work!

Zalman and Chani Karp
Zusman and Chana Sorkin
Chaya'le Sorkin
Musha Krasnjanski
Esther Karp
Nechama K
Moshe Steele
Barry Silverman

In memory of Rose Rosenfeld

Berel Paltiel
Mendy Pruss
Jerry Landau

$ 53,524

donated of $50,000